1. Appreciative of benefits received; thankful.
2. Expressing gratitude.
3. Affording pleasure or comfort; agreeable.
As a person that has had a pretty decent life, for that reason alone, I should be grateful. On top of that, I am a Christian and believe that Christ died so that my sins are forgiven, I should show gratefulness for that one every single second of every single day. I have an amazing husband and friends and family, again I should be grateful. I have a good job and have had the opportunity to attend two higher education institutions. My list of things to be grateful for go on and on and on and on and on and on.
And yet, I fail every single day to show and express my gratitude. The question is, am I supposed to? Are we supposed to express our gratitude? I think yes, but to what extent. Is there a point to which we have expressed our gratitude fully? Is it Biblical to be grateful? I'm sitting in class right now, so I can't actually go study to find out but it's on my to-do list. It's too bad I don't have followers on here, because it would be nice to know what other think on this topic. Without reading the Bible, I feel like it is probably written in there that we need to express gratitude and be grateful for life and things (even if they aren't too great) because God has provided them for us. I do not have a response for how often or how to express it. I think we do need to express gratitude but I'm not sure of the frequency.
Follow-up to come soon, I just wanted to point out that I have been a Debbie Downer and should stop being that way because I am complaining about things that others in the world will never have an opportunity to participate in or do. I have a great life and I am grateful. I just need to spend more time with the Lord so that I can express it.