Sunday, May 27, 2012

Existence Undone

Today marks the day that I am actually going to begin a blog and use it.  I have had several failed attempts over the past few years.  Each failed blog had a purpose, but either the focus was too small or I just didn't have the time to put into it (that I would have liked).  So here we are again, at the beginning of another beginning.  I'm not sure that my life is quite interesting enough for anyone to read about my adventures and mishaps, but I'm going to write on nonetheless.  If I had a bucket list, maintaining a blog would be on it, so here goes to checking that item off a non-existent list.

Now on to answering a possible question you may have: Why the title Existence Undone?  My response is, "Why not?"  Okay, that isn't my real response.  My real response is as follows: Over the past year I have that as follower of Christ, I am called to live a life like Jesus.  And now you're thinking (if you're a Christian), "Umm, duh!"  But it's more than that, the point of living a life as Jesus is to show others what that life entails and how awesome it is.  In turn, by imitating Christ, the door is opened for discipleship to happen.  Discipleship is what we are put here to do, so that is what I aspire to do.  All of that to say, this blog is a chance for me to share my life, my journey, my God, and everything that comes with those things.

I'm interested to see how this will play out because I have no plan.  I hope you'll come along for the ride.


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